Kohi Click Test | CPS Test







Kohi CPS click test is a method set on to check & improve your clicking speed in a specific time in order to perform better in games. Kohi click speed test helps you in finding highest CPS score with 5 Seconds timer, normally.

What is Kohi Click Test?

Kohi Clicking Test is very similar and related to other click testing programs with a slight difference i.e. it’s hosted on the Kohi server of Minecraft. This click test is well known because it is hosted on Minecraft’s server which is known as KOHI. Kohi MC PvP server was founded by “Kurtis Welch” aka “hclewk”. Now a day, MCPVP is owned by Brawl Games.

kohi click test

Kohi CPS test has significant importance among gamers who want to enhance their mouse-clicking speed in given time duration. By practicing more on Kohi Test, they can be able to test and improve their mouse button click speed in order to perform better in Minecraft.

Usage and types of Kohi Clicking

Kohi Clicking Test consists of three types mainly which people are using to test their Kohi Clicking Speed;

Kohi Speed Test for Mouse Buttons

In this test, you simply use your physical mouse to test your clicking speed and the total number of hits you perform during the test in limited time duration. Widely, the 5 Seconds CPS test is most common and is used by the majority of gamers. The default time duration of Kohi Tester is set to 5 seconds. Other Time Variations include are 1 Second Test, 10 Seconds Test, 30 Seconds Test, 60 Seconds Test, and 100 Seconds Test. You can find other variation tools at the top of this page in the green navigation bar and try those as per your interest/needs.

Kohi Speed Test for Keyboard Buttons

Kohi click speed test for keyboard buttons works in the same manner as does the Kohi for the mouse. primarily, people use this tool to enhance their clicking ability to hit faster as compared to their enemies in PVP Combat games as explained earlier. This Kohi tester helps to increase keyboard clicking ability using special techniques.

Kohi Speed Test for Spacebar Button

Kohi clicking for spacebar button is also very famous and being used widely by pro gamers. This also helps them click faster and harder than their opponents.

How to Kohi Click?

Kohi Clicking Method involves pressing the button (mouse, keyboard, and space bar) with two fingers (mostly index and middle finger) in order to click faster than any other person. In this method, you use two fingers to click on the same button by swinging one after each other with full speed, focus, and determination to press the buttons at an extensive speed.

The swings of fingers are very important while clicking on the button. You have to click the button alternatively as fast as you can. Your fingers must move alternatively i.e. when your index finger is trying to click on the button, your second finger must be in the air and vice versa.

Why Kohi Clicking is important?

Minecraft players are required and more concerned, in most cases, to have a faster clicking speed. In order to evaluate that they want to test their click speed using several click speed test methods to improve their finger flicking. All Clicking Methods enable players to escalate their movement of finger flicking in order to perform better in Minecraft games.

According to data collected from several private and public forums, if a player can perform 6 to 8 clicks in one second that is a good clicking pace. It is also stated in some forums, if a player can be able to move his sword ten times in a second, which is 10 clicks per second, it can be considered as a faster clicking speed than average. By achieving this speed, a player has more hitting power and speed than his competitor and more chances to take his enemy down in Minecraft PVP combat.

Testing your Kohi click speed for fast clicking

Essentially, pro players want to test, evaluate and increase their CPS Speed ( click per second speed ) to enhance their gaming and clicking ability.  In order to determine their clicking ability, they use different clicking methods having a preset time frame. According to statistical data gathered, more than 60% of people can hit the mouse button only 30 to 45 times in five seconds time frame.

How to click Kohi CPS Test very fast?

Well, the most effective method to improve your Kohi Click is Butterfly Clicking. Which is best to boost your clicking speed. Eventually, Kohi Butterfly test is the righteous choice in order to find and improve your Kohi click speed.

Moreover, this is the best – most effective and fastest technique among other clicking techniques used to test kohi cps speed. In this method, you use two fingers of your one hand – one finger for left mouse button clicks and the second for right mouse button clicks. After placing your finger in the right manner, you start clicking left and right one by one. Clicking in this way your both fingers swing like a butterfly’s wings while flight.

People also practice this method with two fingers of both hands. But in this way, your clicking speed becomes slower than the first method. Therefore, the usage of two fingers of one hand is the recommended method to perform kohi clicking test.

Kohi Click Tester – FAQ’S

What is the average Kohi CPS speed?

Generally, a person can perform 6-7 clicks in one second using the butterfly clicking method.

What is the fastest Kohi CPS Speed?

Basically, it depends on a person’s clicking skill that he has enhanced over time by practicing. Anything more than 8 CPS would be considered as a faster clicking speed.

What is the world record for Kohi CPS using the butterfly clicking technique?

The World record for most clicks in Kohi CPS is 17 CPS. This record was set using 5 second test time duration and it took 9 attempts to get this high CPS speed.

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